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Reference project

Secure plant shut-off thanks to new valve and actuator by A. Hock

With the help of a stop valve and an electric actuator, A. Hock helped a client improve the regulation and secure shut-off of his plant.

Project overview and used products

  • Customer: Orkla Group with partner InstrumentTeam AS
  • Country: Norwegen
  • Industry: Food and Beverage
  • Application: Steam-control
  • Services: valve dimensioning and sizing
  • Products:
    • Valve S2000 DN150 / PN16 / On-Off Plug,
    • electric actuator 4–20mA-signal and feedback



Why use a manual wheel for shutting off your industrial plant when you can do it remotely? This was the central question of the project carried out with our end-customer Orkla group from Norway. Thanks to a stop valve and an electric actuator, we enabled the operator to safely and remotely shut off the plant from the control room.

The problem

Von einem Hauptverteilungsrohr für Dampf wird der Dampf zu sieben Tanks mit je drei darin installierten Wärmeplatten abgeführt. In den Tanks gab es keinerlei Regulierung der Dampfmenge. Außerdem musste der Bediener beim Anhalten der Anlage das Ventil manuell, also per Hand, betätigen, um die Vorgänge abzuschalten. Der gesamte betroffene Prozess in der Anlage war für das Unternehmen nicht nur zeit-, sondern auch kostenintensiv.

The project

To enable steam regulation and facilitate plant shut-off, we opted for a tight-sealing control valve with an on/off plug combined with an electric actuator for rugged environments.

The solution

Based on given process data, our team of experts worked on the dimensioning and sizing of the series S2000 stop valve. In addition, they established the correct closing force and dimensioning of the corresponding electric actuator. Following the successful implementation, the valves are now used to regulate the amount of steam within the vessels. What’s more, the plant now can be shut off remotely without any manual intervention.

David Raitz
Technical Sales

I’m your contact for projects and enquiries in the field of valve technology as well as measurement and control technology. Contact me for the correct dimensioning of control valves and actuators as well as for valve service concepts.
